Welcome to
Trinity Episcopal Church
124 E Washington Ave
Alpena, Michigan 49707
Worship With Us
Wednesdays at 12:05 pm
Sundays at 9 am & 11 am
Children's Sunday School at 11 am
(lower level)
In-Person or Livestream
Long-time Episcopalian? First time church goer?
Everyone has questions sometimes.
What should I wear?
We have people that come very dressed up one Sunday and then come very casual the next. Wear what makes you comfortable.
Where do I park?
We have a large parking lot located next to the parish building.
Where do I sit?
Sit in any pew! We do not have assigned or reserved seats in church. Any seat is a good seat!
Are my kids welcome in church?
Children are certainly welcome in church. We also have a staffed nursery area downstairs and our Children's Worship Center meets during the worship service.
What happens in a service?
We will read from the Bible, the priest will preach, we will say prayers together, share the peace (everyone enthusiastically greets one another to catch up and meet new faces) and then share bread and wine in Holy Communion.
Who can receive communion?
Any baptized Christian. It is God's table, not ours , and all are welcome to share in God's gifts.
Episcopal: Trinity is an "Episcopal" church, meaning we are a part of the Episcopal denomination. We approach faith in Jesus through scripture, tradition, and reason. Find out more about The Episcopal Church here.
Eucharist: The term "Eucharist" or "Communion" refers to the shared meal of bread and wine during our Sunday worship services. All are welcome at our table.
Congregation: The people in the pew, active participants in the service, not spectators.
Diocese of Eastern Michigan: Trinity is part of a regional gathering of churches that includes the Eastern half of the state, north of Detroit. The Bishop of the diocese is the Rt. Rev. Todd Ousley. Learn more here.
Hymnal: Some of our music comes out of the Hymnal, a collection of psalm tunes and hymns. It's blue with "Hymnal 1987" written on the front.
Prayer Book: We follow along our service in the Prayer Book. They are red with a gold cross on the front. We'll give you page numbers when you get here!
Rector: Indicates the senior pastor of the church. At Trinity, this is the Very Rev. William McClure. Call him Bill.
Vestry: The governing board of the parish whose members are elected by the congregation at large. They serve as an advisory and policy-making council to the Rector.
Do I have to put money in the offering/collection plate?
No, but your contributions are very appreciated and help us continue our ministry in this community. We feel it's a privilege to share our resources with God.
How do I receive bread and wine at communion?
Ushers will let you know when it is time to go up for communion. When you get up to the altar, stand and with your palms up place one hand at an angle over the other to form a cross to receive the bread. You can eat it or save it for the next step, which is the wine. You will then go the a person holding the cup. You can either drink from it or dip your bread.
If you cannot come up to the altar for any reason, wait in your pew and the priest will visit you to give you bread and wine where you are.
If you prefer to not take communion, you may come up and instead cross your arms over your chest to indicate you wish to receive a blessing. Or stay in your pew! Do what feels good.